The Support You Deserve

You’ve worked hard to get where you are. You deserve a firm that works hard for you too.

Income Tax Checklist

The Hardest thing to understand in the world is the income tax.

Albert Einstein

Copy of Last Years Tax Return
Completed “Stress Free” Tax Organizer

Income Items

  1. Wage Statements (Form W-2)
  2. Pension and Retirement Statements (Form 1099R)
  3. Interest Income Statements (Form 1099-INT)
  4. Dividend Income Statements (Form 1099-DIV)
  5. Sale of Stocks or Bonds (Form 1099-B)
  6. State Income Tax Refund Statements (Form 1099-G)
  7. Social Security Income Statement (Form SSA-1099)
  8. Unemployment Income Received
  9. Lottery or Gambling Winnings Statements (Form 1099-G)
  10. Income from Partnership, S-Corporations, Trusts and Estates (Form K-1)
  11. Income from Self-Employed Business (Form 1099 – Misc) Self Employment Organizer
  12. Income from Rental Properties – Rental Organizer

Deduction Items

  1. Dependent Care Expenses and Provider Information
  2. Qualified Retirement Plan Contribution (401K, IRA, etc)
  3. Medical Insurance Paid
  4. Medical Costs Healthcare Organizer
  5. Long Term Care Insurance Paid
  6. State and Local Sales Taxes Paid on Major Purchases
  7. State and Local Income Taxes Paid
  8. Real Estate Taxes Paid
  9. Personal Property Taxes Paid
  10. Mortgage Interest Paid
  11. Charitable Contributions (Cash and Non Cash)
  12. Unreimbursed Employment-Related Expenses
  13. Union Dues Paid
  14. Job Related Educational Expenses Paid
  15. Student Loan Interest (Form 1099-E)
  16. Tuition and Education Fees (Form 1098-T)
  17. Estimated Taxes Paid